Purpose of Jenkins | How Does Jenkins Work - Smart Tech Guides


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Purpose of Jenkins | How Does Jenkins Work


Jenkins is an open Source Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment tool. 


by using Jenkins we can achieve build, test, packaging and deploying our application automatically.no need to do all these process manually.

Purpose of Jenkins

in real time we will have development team and admin team.

developer roles are coding, unit testing, code review, push the code to repository.

after commit the code developer send email to admin team. 

Build Admin team roles are 

  • pull latest code from repository
  • compile source code
  • execute unit test suits
  • package source code as jar/war/ear
  • deploy to server

all these steps to gather is called build process or deployment process. 

people used to do these process manually.

there are some disadvantages by doing this manual process.

Disadvantage of manual build and deploy process

  • admin(expert) team is required
  • every time we need to send an email to admin after committing the code.
  • admin has to do pull the code compile the code packing and deploy the code.
  • time consuming process.

to over come these manual process ci and cd (Jenkins)came into picture 

How Does Jenkins Work?

Jenkins is server based application and it can run on different platforms, like tomcat server. 

/* generally our code will be available at notepad/Maven/Gradel/Git repositories.
these code compilations/program execution/testing/deploy  we can do using Jenkins  */

after installing Jenkins we are configuring our project to Jenkins. 

to use Jenkins, you need to create pipelines which are a series of steps that a Jenkins server will take.

and we are giving instructions like code compilation commands, maven Goals and also when this compilation will perform, like this kind of operations  we can do using Jenkins automatically . 

Jenkins consist set of tools they do compilation, testing, Code monitoring and code hosting and etc..

by using Jenkins we can achieve CI & CD (Continuous Integration & Development).

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