Spring AOP - Smart Tech Guides


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Spring AOP

Spring AOP

Spring is loosely coupled framework it is developed in modular fashion.

Spring AOP is one of the modules in spring framework.

Spring AOP stands for Aspect Oriented Program, which is used to integrate primary/business logic and secondary/cross cutting logic in an application at runtime and will execute it.


Spring AOP work flow

AOP Terminologies

  • Aspect
  • Target class
  • Joinpoint
  • Pointcut
  • Advice
  • Weaving
  • Proxy class



The class which contains secondary logic is called aspect.

Example: Logging, security, transactions, etc.!


Target class

The class which contains business/primary logic is called target class.



Joinpoint is a specific point in the application such as method execution, exception handling, etc.!

Spring AOP supports method level Jointpoint.



Pointcut is an expression, it uses different expressions that are matched with one or more Jointpoints.

Spring AOP supports AspectJ Pointcut Designators (Execution, within, this, target, args) for use in pointcut expressions.



It represents when aspect logic should execute. 

Types of Spring advice's  

1) Before

2) After

3) Around

4) After returning

5) After throwing




the process of combining target and aspect is called weaving.



weaving will generate one new class by combining target, aspect class that generated class is called proxy class.

spring AOP will generate proxy class at runtime.

AOP proxy will be a JDK dynamic proxy or a CGLIB proxy.




Spring AOP aims to provide a simple AOP implementation across spring IOC to solve most common problems that programmers face.

It is not intended as a complete solution of AOP.

There are some limitations using spring AOP


Limitations are:

Spring AOP is a simple implementation of AOP technology. It can be applied only beans.

Spring AOP will generate proxy class at runtime.

Spring AOP supports method level pointcuts.

Compared to AspectJ, Spring AOP much slower.


Due to these limitations from spring 2.0 the AspectJ integrate with spring AOP.

Both AspectJ and spring AOP uses different weavings.

AspectJ is a complete implementation of the AOP technology in Java. It can be applied on any Java class.

It generates proxy class at compile time by using AspectJ compiler.

AspectJ supports compile-time, post-compile and load-time weaving.

but run time weaving is not available.


Compile-time weaving

The weaving process happen at compile time.

AspectJ compiler takes input as source code of our aspect, and our application finally it generates woven class file as output.


Post-compile weaving

The weaving process happen at compile time only, but the difference is weaving happen on binary files Jar files, existing class files with our aspect file.


Load-time weaving

The weaving happens when the classes are about to load into JVM.

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