Spring core Project - Smart Tech Guides


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Spring core Project

Spring Project

creating spring project using maven build tool. 

steps involved in spring project(core) development 

1) create new Maven project 

2) add spring context jar inside pom.xml 

3) create beans configured Java/xml file 

4) write Java code inside src/main/java Java code

Java code

 Card Interface KotakBank implements Card Interface AxisBank implements Card Interface Injecting Card by Perform Setter Injection Application Start Point  

Project Folder Structure

Spring folder Structure




Note: spring beans we can configure in 3 ways

1) xml based configuration file

 Configure <beans> inside beans.xml file


2) annotation-based configuration

Configure <context:annotation-config/> inside beans.xml file and use annotations inside Java class. 

3) Java based configuration

Configurations happen in Java file without xml file.

with the help of annotations like @configuration, @component, @service, @controller.. etc.! 

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