Servlet Introduction - Smart Tech Guides


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Servlet Introduction



Servlet technology is used to develop web applications.

With the help of Java Program, we are developing servlet components.

Servlet component is a web component it resides inside web server.

Servlet components are execute inside servlet container.

web servers like tomcat provide one built-in servlet container. 

Servlet container manages servlet life cycle i.e., loading servlet component classes, calling methods, creating objects and destroying objects.   


Note: Web server is a piece of software that automates web application and its web components.

How Servlets Works?

End-user types URL in browser and generates requests, web server software (like tomcat) listens request continuously takes that requests maps to appropriate web components (like servlet, html, CSS etc..).


Web component process the request and results send back to webserver.

web server sends results back to web browser/client as response.


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