Steps to Develop Spring Application - Smart Tech Guides


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Steps to Develop Spring Application

Steps to develop spring Application

1) create project folder structure

2) add required spring jar files.

3) write Java business code inside src/main/Java

4) create beans configured Java/xml file

5) create the test classes.


Note: to avoid complexity of creating project folder structures and providing unique build systems, encouraging better development practices, we are using build tools.

Build tools are Maven, Gradel, ant, etc..!.


Why spring is special?

Spring is loosely-coupled is developed in modular fashion.

Spring Jars/libraries given as module wise, so we can use that required module only.

Spring follows strategy design principles to archive loose-coupling.

Java Application can have multiple classes (service, controller, model, etc..!) and methods, as part of application execution one class method should talk to another class.

How one Java class can talk to another Java class?

By inheriting the properties

By creating objects

If we use above approach then our classes will be tightly coupled.


With the help of Strategy design pattern principles, we can achieve loose coupling over classes.

Strategy design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that enables selecting an algorithm at runtime.

If we have multiple implementations for a task, we can choose one implementation dynamically.

Strategy design pattern principles are

1) favor's composition over inheritance.                                                                                 

2) always code to interfaces instead of implementation classes.

3) code should be open for extension and should be closed for modification.

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