Spring Framework - Smart Tech Guides


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Spring Framework

What is framework and types of frameworks

Framework is a semi developed software which provide some common logics which are required for several applications. 

Based on Requirements applications are divided into 4types, they are.

1) Web Application Framework

2) ORM Frameworks

3) Application Frameworks

4) Distributed/Webservices Frameworks


Web application framework are used to develop web applications

Example: Struts, JSF, etc..!.


ORM frameworks stands for object relational mapping, ORM frameworks provides abstraction on

JDBC technology, and allows to develop object-based database software independent persistence logics.

Example: Hibernate, Data JPA, Spring ORM, etc.!


Application frameworks are used to develop end to end application development,

Application frameworks provides abstraction on multiple technologies like JDBC, Servlet, EJB,

Etc., and also provides abstraction on top of frameworks like hibernate, JPA, etc..!.


Distributed/Webservices Frameworks are used to develop interact with web client and application client.

client can interact with browser, and also with the help of distributed application one application interact with another application is possible.


browser interact with website (Flipkart) is called web application.

One application interacts with another application (Flipkart interact with google pay, phone pay) is possible.


To develop Distributed application, we need technologies/frameworks.

in Java we will have EJB, RMI, CORBA technologies, SOAP, Restful webservices available, for develop distributed web applications.


Spring Framework

Spring Framework is an opensource framework, that can be used to develop Java Application.

Spring framework is an application development framework.

Spring is versatile framework it can be integrated with any other framework.

Spring is noninvasive framework it will not force the programmer to extend/implement any framework related classes and interfaces.

Spring is loosely-coupled framework.it is developed in modular fashion.

Spring Jars/libraries given as module wise, so we can use that required module only.


Spring framework Modules:

1) Spring core

2) Spring context

3) Spring web MVC

4) Spring AOP

5) Spring DAO

6) Spring ORM


Spring core is base module for spring framework.

This module providing fundamental concepts of spring they are IOC and DI (IOC: inversion of control & DI: dependency injection)


Spring context module will take care of configurations required in our applications.


Spring AOP module is used to separate business logic and secondary logic in our application.


Spring DAO/ spring JDBC module is used to develop persistence layer.


Spring web MVC module is used to web develop web applications.


Spring ORM module is used to develop persistence layer (it is used to represent data in the form of objects).


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